About me
I began my professional life as a storyteller, recording artist, and touring folk musician. Over the years my methods of expression broadened to include print media and interactive digital platforms.
My creative work has also shaped the direction of my scholarship. I am a sociologist of science, technology, information and medicine who teaches (among other things) game design and the programming of interactive fiction.
I direct the Electronic Literatures & Literacies Lab, which is part of Informatics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Secrets from the Stone
The story accompanying the title track was a mythical retelling of my experience as an eighteen-year-old hitchhiking across Wales in search of a harp. My quest led me to the workshop of renowned Welsh harpmaker, John Weston Thomas (1921-1992).
Changes Like the Moon
The compositions on Changes Like the Moon began as improvisations accompaning storytelling performances at folk festivals and renaissance fairs across the country.
At Last the Wind
This album was composed while I was living in a remote mountain cabin above Central City, Colorado with my dogs, Sky and Iris.
Sona Gaia Collection One
Sona Gaia means “song of the earth” which, in the case of this album, describes the 15 culturally diverse selections found in this collection.
Faces of the Harp
My music was included in the first Narada/Sona Gaia compilation, and was featured in a Narada collection of harp music, Faces of the Harp.
Narada Film and Television Music Sampler
Two of my tunes were included in the Narada Film and Television Music Sampler.